Terms of Service
Potential Risks: LIV Empowered Fitness, LLC, and any of its agents, employees, contractors, and sub-contractors are not licensed medical doctors, healthcare providers, or registered dieticians and any information given in a LIV Empowered Fitness, LLC context is for educational and entertainment purposes only. We serve as coaches, mentors and guides who help you reach your own health and wellness goals. There are chances that during the period of work-out, adverse changes might occur such as dizziness or fainting. These might be due to an abnormal increase in blood pressure. In rare instances, it may lead to a heart attack or stroke which may be a cause of death. Sometimes, injuries during participation of the exercise programs might happen that may involve the joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. It shall be your responsibility to ensure the prevention of these during the workout and to alert your coach if you experience any pain, discomfort, or adverse reactions. You do not need to push hard if your body cannot make it through yet. Take time and let the progress come in time, gradually.
Description of potential benefits: Joining the program helps you to know how to properly fuel your body through the process of tracking macronutrients along with exercises that will help quantify your progress. You can learn and understand more about the science of nutrition and your physical health as well and how to utilize these effectively. Each individual’s health, fitness, and nutrition success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any health-related program or service, your results may vary, and will be based on many variables, including but not limited to, your individual capacity, life experience, unique health and genetic profile, starting point, expertise, and level of commitment. Results are not guaranteed in any way. Your best chance of success will be commitment to the LIV Empowered Fitness, LLC programs, and dedication to your goals.
Assumption of Risk: By participating in fitness programs at LIV, you are representing that you are physically sound and do not suffer from any illness, impairment, disease or other condition that would prevent you from safely participating in a group or individual fitness class and you knowingly and voluntarily assume all risks and dangers, known and unknown, that are associated with your class, including without limitation, suffering any type of physical injury, illness and, potentially, death. If recovering from injury or illness, or have known sensitivities, notify the instructor prior to class start time, who may restrict, modify, or prevent your participation.
Age: Individuals under sixteen (16) years of age are not permitted to participate in class or use any LIV programs or facilities. Teenagers who are over sixteen (16) and below eighteen (18) years of age may participate in the programs so long as their parent or legal guardian purchases the class and signs a waiver and release form on the teenager’s behalf prior to the start of class with the exception of an event.
COVID-19. Masks or proof of vaccination are NOT required upon arrival and check-in. You may choose to wear a mask at any time based on your personal preference, even if others around you are not wearing masks. You recognize that there is no safe way to wholly avoid COIVD-19, and although stringent methods are taken to reduce risk, LIV assumes no responsibility to prevent COVID-19 transmission in its families. You hereby waive all rights and remedies of any kind should you contract or be exposed to COVID-19 while a participant in the LIV program or at a LIV facility.
Health and Safety Protocols. We have put preventative measures in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19. In accordance with CDC guidelines, we are sanitizing equipment and high-traffic touchpoints in between each class using EPA-registered cleaning products.
Privacy Policy and Communications: You will be subject to the privacy practices of LIV as described in its Privacy Policy available on request. We encourage you to check this page from time to time to ensure you are happy with our current Privacy Policy. LIV may contact you, using the information you, to provide you with special offers, promotions and information about LIV and its affiliates, our service offerings to you. We may also use your personal data to determine if you are eligible for certain offers – for example, discounted membership rates offered to your company’s employees. If you do not wish to receive any marketing emails, you can opt out of future mailings by clicking on the unsubscribe link located on the bottom of the relevant email.
LIV Rules: You must comply with all rules and policies established by LIV, whether issued orally or in writing, and you understand that any violation may result in immediate and permanent termination of your access to any LIV club and/or eligibility for future membership and/or participation in group fitness classes. LIV reserves the right to cancel any membership or registration without refund should, in the sole and final decision of LIV, you have failed to comply with LIV rules, or if your actions present a danger to yourself or others. LIV reserves the right to disable any app and/or website access if you fail to comply with LIV rules or if your actions cause or could cause harm, damage, or loss to LIV networks or apps.
These Terms and Conditions incorporate by reference the Release and Hold Harmless Agreement as well as the Privacy Policy and the Online Terms and Conditions, which you certify you have read, reviewed, and signed, as required. Your further participation in any LIV programs in any way will be interpreted as consent to these agreements and the General Terms and Conditions.